Wars have been inevitable parts of human life. Since the era of when the first human species walked this earth, there are only five hundred years of peace ever recorded. History says it that mankind has already fought numerous battles which shape the nowadays world. As history travels through time, billions of people around the globe are now cherishing and regarding that peacekeeping acts are the most supreme, unquestioned morality. But believe me, such pacification will never be forever. With varying ideologies, the advents of modern warfare and the need to survive reside inside every human, they will eventually lead political groups to dominate others.
War can be commenced by the mean of different ideologies adopted by both opposing factions. World is not a habitat for one group of people but it is a home for human beings from different ethnics, religions and ideologies. Therefore, this world is the “best” battleground, since a spark of war could occur at any second. When a radically-based group perceives that it is in jeopardy by the emerging external force in the form of another dissatisfactory belief, this society will ultimately proceed to the state ‘at war’. For instance, wars between the Christians and Muslims –renowned as Crusades – were based on a reason to recapture the Holy Land and to repel the soil from Muslim Arabs. Another example is the U.S. war on terror across the Arab world –like in Afghanistan and in Pakistan – which is said being done to eliminate the terrorists’ strongholds and deteriorate the so-called terrorist group. In addition, leaders sometimes enter into a war under the excuse that their actions are primarily defensive, however when viewed objectively, their actions may resemble a form of unwarranted, disproportionate aggression.
With the advent of gunpowder, the acceleration of technological advances and the vast number of army, the war itself can be initiated. Since the gunpowder was invented in the late 15th century in Europe, military warfare has undergone dramatic changes, such as the improvement of armaments – from bows to rifles, from catapults to artilleries, from chain mails to bulletproof vests –, which will effectively amplify the blow to the enemy. Moreover, the innovations taking place in chemical industry has also enhanced the making of explosives and biological weapons. These will consequently boost up the ego of each group to start a war. But the number of youths in a country is also a fundamental matter as well. A nation could not start a campaign without the proper amount of soldiers. According to the Youth Bulge theory, males from 15 to 29 years of age are classified as a cohort. Thus, a country would think twice before commencing hostilities and it will likely to impose a compulsory military service regulation on young, productive men. As far as the eyes can see, modern warfare policies have standardized many countries worldwide to uplift the number of armies. For example, before the Nazi Germany launched an invasion to Poland, it is noted down that the German Army consisted of 18.2 billion able-bodied men. With massive number of soldiers, one country could commence a conflict easily.
Furthermore, defensive state of one country is often uttered as one of the motivations why these people should go into war purposelessly. As a basic need for survival, one of the ways of humans’ efforts to have their existence considered is to join the war against the one who oppresses them. Wars have been culturally rooted in all tribes. When one nation conquers another, the subjugated people who are suffering from inequalities will gradually revolt and try to overthrow the imperialist. The Spanish Inquisition which was meant to crush the Muslim domination over the Iberian Peninsula by recapturing the lost territories and reestablishing Catholic hegemony is one of many examples. Continued existence of one group is one key principle of human race so that every life form, even an animal, will sacrifice its life just to defend its presence.
In short, war is an activity which every single of us cannot avoid explicitly or implicitly, for humans’ egos are beyond everything the world could offer. All we can do is to pray that such peace could stand any longer.
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