Life is purely and solely a game. Living has ever been so easy. Life is your manifestation. You dream of a car, then suddenly a chrome yellow convertible sports car is parked in your personal 20 x 20 metres garage. Then you imagine a $ infinite withdrawal from your limitless, endless bank account and you put it in your vast underground cache. What a life you've got, fella. ;)
That sounds fun. But unfortunately, the world is not as I mentioned above.
Life is purely and solely a struggle. Living has never been easy. If it were easy, people all over the world would be super duper rich then. All lazy, lousy people would not be anymore lingered by poverty. And the dreams would always come true even you did not work your path through rocky, covered-with-holes streets.
The rich deserves to be rich and gets richer because they have paid the price for success. They have been sweating their paths out and now, be financially free. They always wake up early even before the first light comes to shimmer the earth. They have masterminded the principle of achieving the best of the bests. They have been, are, and will always be outside of their comfort zones. They will always grow. Why? Because when a tooth emerges, you suffer from unbearable pain. But when it's grown, does it hurt anymore? No. Their beliefs and their mindsets help them reach their goals, no matter what they face.
"What you can dream, you can achieve"The poor deserves to be poor and gets poorer because they have not paid the price for success. They sleep all the day long, they never act. Even when they act, they are burdened by their inferior loser mindsets. They wake up late. They hesitate. They dream of big things, but they never take action to reach them. They are anxious to change. They are always inside the circle of their comfort zones. Their habits have them ended up in a shitty abyss.
"It is risky to change, but it is riskier not to change"Well, life is a choice. Do you want to become a great, well-known figure in the next 10 years? Or do you want to be a mediocre, average people of the future? Your call.
I heard my good friend said: "Look, in the Bible it is written that God loves poor people. You can find Him in poor people's hearts. So, why should we become rich and become an enemy of God??"
I now have the answer:
God does not want us to become ordinary people with ordinary income and ordinary wealth. He wants us to become very extremely rich! Because when we are rich, we don't really care about how much money we have and we can lend our hands to those who need them. We can do charities, we can adopt children, we can build churches and we can contribute welfare to the famine-stricken people of Ethiopia, for instance. But when we are poor, we can't even handle our own problems. We don't care about others. And how can we be helping hands if we are poor?
We all live only once in this very habitat. Therefore, I say:
I, You, the one who is reading this right now and All people around the world who dare to change to become multi-millionaires in the near future, so we can help not only ourselves and our relatives, but also people out there who really do need our helps.
"Giving is RICH"
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