Mini Earth

Where In The World Are You?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Nothing's Perfect

I couldn't sleep early lately. There was always something revolving in my mind before I went to sleep. I was cumbered with this some sort of good old seeming philosophy. I kept questioning: "Is it true that nothing's perfect?".

When I looked back I figured out interesting facts indeed. It happened last year. I met this gorgeous girl. We had some conversations and I was lucky I could keep in touch with her more frequent. I loved the way she was, but as time rolled by, when we dined I uncovered the truth that she was "carnivorous". I don't know whether you guys accept a type of woman like this? Because to me, I feel that someone who does not eat vegetables dies faster and subjects to heart diseases, strokes, cancers, etc. No offense, okay? Moreover, I also think "what my and her child will be? I mean our child will be malnourished and will lack the vitamins and minerals needed." Well, people say I am far-sighted. But I perceive myself differently: I think of the long-term impact.

And there are still many other experiences regarding this. But well, I hope my paradigms are false! But I was instilled to behold the opposite. Hopefully I can change this silly thinking of mine. I was too heavily-burdened. And I also hope I could have a good time with her, again. :)

N O T H I N G' S   P E R F E C T.
Yes, it is.


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