Mini Earth

Where In The World Are You?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Though I Haven't Met You

You were carried away by the way air flows from the higher ground to the sea. You didn't push yourself to go against the current or ... you didn't notice that you had been carried away so far that you couldn't even remember who you had been before that single clip grounded you and made you its base for such critical nonsense(s). And the time I dip the tip of my toe in you, you don't taste the same anymore. You ... have lost your flavour. You are amazingly, constantly freezing and chilling me to the bone.

People say that humanmade loves will never satisfy you. At first I was skeptical. But hereafter I believe that you will never find yourself at home except you learn the truth that God, your creator, loves you even more. His unconditional love is like an unending stream that falls off the cliff of clouds to fill us with His splendor, might, majesty and to be exact, His Everlasting Love for the wretched and lonely souls.

I'm gonna wait for you even though I haven't met you.
I found it quite an uneasy way to forget you, though. Although this thing could I have achieved but I am still a being. Even animals need mates. I believe it is our unethical way of seeking for you residing somewhere in the diaspora.

I never remember the way you dismember me. But I have always been able to recall how I was so close to you. But heck, the band is dismissed. Soaring and wandering across the plains of emptiness is where the dot will appear. The heat brings me even farther away.

Being dragged away from where I used to be. And as I am going to and fro, as surely as the acid rain is yet to pour down, I am to be exposed to the radiation you've emitted ever since. And I know that I need something.

That something I have yet to meet.


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