Mini Earth

Where In The World Are You?

Monday, June 14, 2010

From Me to You

Dear lovely,
Ms. B,

In this lonely night, here I am, sitting in front of my computer and browsing the pictures of you. Oh, the lyric in that song is right:
"When the night has come and the day is done, I am always thinking of you."
You are everywhere in everything I do. You are in the air. You are inside me. You voice is whispering to me through the cool summer breeze.

I am now putting my messenger to offline mode. I am recalling the days with you. Whenever I close my eyes, I see you there. As whenever I go to sleep, the only last thing remains is you. You are God's perfect creation.

I love you so much, so deep as blue ocean and so wide as boundless sea. But how can I tell you this?? I am always afraid of telling you that you are the only one to me. Always. But on the contrary, I am always afraid of losing you. Or when somebody else would take my place. :'(

Oh B, tell me what I should do. I know I just need to say it, but silence hits me. I am like a retard who always backs off. I am the kind of guy who is out of words and zips my mouth when it comes to telling the truth. "Am I a man or what?", I keep asking myself. I am truly shy.

Is this love going to remain still? Is this love going to be left unnoticed? Is this love going to bury itself? NO. I know this will sound embarrassing, but before I leave, I will utter the real feeling. Just for you.

Loving you always,


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